Herzlich Willkommen beim IPZV e.V.

FEIF Education & Youth seminar 2015

von IPZV e.V.

Dear all,

The next international FEIF seminar “Teaching the next generation: joint FEIF Education & Youth seminar for riding instructors and trainers at all levels and national youth and education leaders”, will be organised in Weistrach, Austria, November 27-29, 2015.

The main focus of the seminar will be teaching of children, youngsters and juniors at different education and training levels. Possibilities to organize practical training in an age appropriate and interesting way that fits to the level of education and how to handle difficulties that might arise. Furthermore, different theoretical and practical demonstrations followed by discussions are offered.

The seminar is open to all licensed trainers level 1, level 2 and level 3 and national education and youth leaders. Trainee trainers, not yet qualified trainers, may also apply for registration.

Attached you will find the invitation to the seminar with further details.

Best regards, Susanne

FEIF Office

Susanne Fröhlich      office@feif.org

Die Fortbildung wird zur Trainer A/B/C- Lizenzverlängerung als "IPZV anerkannte Fortbildung mit 16 ÜE" anerkannt. Die Anmeldung erfolgt direkt über Susanne Fröhlich bei der Feif mit dem u. a. Anmeldeformular. 


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