Herzlich Willkommen beim IPZV e.V.

Stellungnahme FEIF von Doug Smith

von Carsten Eckert

Dear National Sport Leaders, Sport Committee Members, and Board of FEIF,

I have had two requests this morning to address the rumors on the Internet (horse tabloid pages and social media) that FEIF has changed the rules regarding allowed equipment.  In particular, the combination of certain nosebands and bits.  Instead of answering individual emails on this topic let me be clear about the situation.

What you are seeing on the Internet (other than the FEIF website) is not factual.   These are simply rumors that have no basis in fact.

The facts are as follows:

  • The combination of certain bits and nosebands as described on the Prohibited Equipment page remains unchanged.
  • There was a discussion of this topic in a joint Sport & Breeding Committee meeting in Malmö, Sweden at the end of October.  The focus of the conversation was an attempt to find a way to come to an agreement on equipment rules between the two departments.  
  • The decision regarding the bit / noseband combinations rests in the Sport Department (the annual assembly of all national Sport Leaders) which has discussed this topic several times.
  • The Sport Committee does not have the authority to change the status of these equipment combinations since the Sport Department has taken "ownership" of the issue.
  • FEIF has received reports that Iceland has announced a unilateral change to their rules regarding bit & noseband combinations.  FEIF does not support the idea of unilateral rule changes but cannot stop them outside WorldRanking tournaments. 
  • All WorldRanking tournaments must follow all published international rules or the results will not be accepted.

I would encourage everyone to not give too much credit to the horse tabloid websites and social media.  Nothing official is ever announced in the tabloids. 

I will add this topic to the final agenda for the Sport Department meeting in Copenhagen next February.  Absolutely nothing can change with regard to the published bit / noseband rules until after this meeting.

Best regards,

--Doug Smith

Director of Sport

FEIF - International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations
FEIF is bringing people together in their passion for the Icelandic Horse.


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