English information
Welcome to the English overview of the IPZV website for leisure riding.
Here we provide some English information and connect directy to German part of the website. The idea is to give our foreign visitors an first impression of leisure riding in Germany.
Contact: Here you find the current address of the IPZV office and the leisure riding leader.
Address book: Here you find a register of horse farms in Germany.
Clubs: Here you find a register of local clubs in Germany.
Relay ride: Here you find the actual English registration form and other information about the relay ride.
Riding law: As part of federal law, the individual countries regulate the details of riding law. It is frightening how extremely different methods of handling: In some countries, there is a rider-friendly legislation and great freedom of movement, in other stands of recreation-seeking leisure riders helpless before incomprehensible prohibited. This is not even to countries with high population density, where no restrictions for riders would be more understandable. Here you find an overview of the different regulations.